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Week #9

from Kaleb the "Bible Dude"

What is up, Parents,

Week 9 was a huge success! We spent this week really recapping the past few weeks to their base level. And just exploring the idea that since we don’t talk about the past verses and lessons every day that we shouldn’t forget them or stop doing them. SO we chose this week for our Bible Memory Verse, “We must not become tired of doing good” Galatians 6:9.

And for the past four weeks we have actually been talking about what “doing good” looks like…

Week 5

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself” Matthew 22:39

Week 6

“For everyone who praises himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be praised” Luke 14:11

Week 7

Always be humble, and gentle, be patient, and accept each other with love” Ephesians 4:2

Week 8

“Show respect to everyone” 1 Peter 2:17

The learning of these verses and the revisiting of them this week allowed for all of the kids and coaches to learn how on a practical level these callings from God are to be lived out. Everyday we were able to start off by asking the kids what does “doing good” look like at Rock Solid? And every day more hands went up and with more unique answers. And just like our learning of respect; which is more than our words but also it is in our actions, this also became true for all of the good things we were striving for.

Kids were helping coaches hold them accountable. They were listening more and also respecting the other campers even when they didn’t want to do something. There became less boasting in our competitive games, but instead healthy competition with encouragement to strive to do better. And just love, there was way more love and joy this week at camp that would be impossible to not notice!

And on Tuesday we took on the saying “you reap what you sow”. When a farmer sows, that is the action of planting a seed, and reaping is when someone collects the harvest. For the context of our Memory Verse from Galatians 6, where Paul is writing about carrying one another’s burdens, he says, “for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” Galatians 7b-9. And we explained that this is not a calling to have a faith that is based on works. However, it is saying that since we believe in Jesus and see His love for us, that we’re called to live like Him, obedient to the Father, and righteous being filled with the Spirit, then that will lead us to planting seeds. Which like any plant one day we will get to see what it grows into.

One of our campers, Reese, shared that she wants to be a missionary when she is older, and I think that became a clear illustration of what this passage was talking about. Missionaries go out to share the gospel, and sometimes that is in places away from home, in other cities, states, or even countries. And it isn’t always that we get to see how those faiths grow from that initial meeting, however since we believe in Jesus then we will go to heaven, and that will be the time we see the fruit of those seeds, so that is what we will reap from the harvest. When we get to see that person we prayed for on the bus years ago in heaven with us, or that troublemaker from school who was told about the forgiveness of God and how that turned their life around, when we get to heaven we will see and hear all of the testimonies of how seeds were planted and grown, and we get to enjoy that and celebrate that with Jesus.

But we also want to make sure we aren’t just getting tired of doing good, or even choosing evil because it seems right. So we had to explore pop-culture a little bit. In 2021 Batman came out, and it became a big joke calling himself “Vengeance”. Which is a big word, but what does it mean?

Vengeance- a punishment inflicted or payment exacted for an injury or wrong doing.

Well that’s not acting good… so much for turning the other cheek. But this human nature, to want an eye for an eye, but that’s not what God calls us to do. It in fact it is the complete opposite…

Romans 12:17 "Don't pay people back with evil for the evil they do to you.”

Romans 12:19 “My friends, do not try to punish others when they wrong you.”

But that is hard, however, there is this famous King in the Bible. Known for having a heart after God’s own, and that was David. Well in this instance David’s son Absolam actually starts a rebellion and forces David to flee from Jerusalem. And as he and his servants are leaving this man Shimei son of Gera starts cursing them and throwing stones. And Abishai, one of David’s servants asks if he needs to handle it, and David tells him no. And after the Absolam’s rebellion is defeated David goes back to Jerusalem and is met by Shimei once again, but this time begging for forgiveness, and you know what?! David forgives him! It is crazy, but something he knows is “God is a righteous judge” Psalm 7:11.

And we can take this knowledge in how we treat others, it is easy for us to get worked up but we should always take a second and pray and be with God and seek His will for us before acting, because He loves us and doesn’t want us to hurt, and He has been steadfast and faithful for generations, so He will care for us when wrong is done to us. But we have to remain faithful to Him, and that comes in the form of “doing good”. By loving others, being patient, humble, gentle, and respectful.

“We must not become tired of doing good” Galatians 6:9

We are so excited to see what the rest of camp holds and we definitely can’t wait to share!


Rock Solid Athletics

(806) 795-7625
6205 43rd St
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